An integrated communication and marketing tool for interfacing with all business associates and prospects including brokers, producers, third party administrators, groups and health care vendors.

Business Associates
Track information about the companies and individuals who are business associates of the Carrier/MGU, including Underwriting Offices, Reinsurers, Producers, TPAs, PPO Networks, Health Care Providers, Cost Containment Vendors and Large Case Management Vendor.
Maintain and track information specific to a business partner, including:
- Carrier state limitations
- Licensed Agent insurance state licenses and the carrier’s with which they have been appointed
- TPA licenses
- E & O Insurance and coverage limits
- Fidelity Bonds and coverage limits
- PPO Network and area discounts for underwriting
- Required documentation to approve a partner as a TPA and/or Producer
Query and report on this information to manage the information requirements of all business associates. Follow-up on required documentation and expired licenses, or inadequate coverage limits on insurance and bonds.
Maintain address, phone, email, contacts for correspondence with multiple departments and offices, including:
- Underwriting
- Policy Administration
- Premium Administration
- Commissions
- Claim Administration
Interface with Microsoft® Word to produce letters and mailing labels and send an email through Microsoft® Outlook.
- All information may be accessed with a button-click on a TPA, Producer, or other business associate, allowing for quick access to telephone numbers and address information
- Business associates are selected from Contact Management to indicate the TPA, Producer, Carrier and PPO Network for an underwriting proposal or a contract
- Commission and Sub-Producer checks are printed for mailing to the Commission Address
- Claim Checks are printed for mailing to the Claim Administration Address