An analytical tool for reporting loss ratio and claim/premium triangulations by book of business – combining policy, premium and claims data into at-your-fingertips analysis and reporting.

Define blocks of business and create a user generated query to filter the data into a meaningful group by Treaty, Carrier, Underwriter, Administrator, Producer, Effective Date, Claims Paid, etc. and combined with reports to analyze the experience or produce a triangulation. Data may also be exported to Microsoft® Excel for additional analysis when desired.
Experience Reporting
Combined user defined queries to filter the data with a number of reports designed to analyze loss ratios by many terms and factors, including SIC, Zip Code, Specific Deductible, Group Size, Contract Basis, Carrier, Underwriter, Underwriting Office, Administrator, Producer, and Effective Date.
Triangulations may be produced for Gross Premium, Net Premium, and Claims on both a paid and an incurred basis based upon a user defined query.
Block analysis is an invaluable tool to analyze and manage a block of business from an underwriting and actuarial perspective. It should be used for renewal underwriting, underwriter and producer management, manual effectiveness, and treaty renewal.